Same settings as before but added more populations (or basically almost the rest of populations I have in my reference database) from Middle-East, Caucasus and all the way to Pacific/Oceania. To properly view the images open them and copy them to a image program like MS Paint or something similar or just download them directly from the source webpage where you will get them in full size.
All members should have received the image through email, this time I have put them into Excel windows that make it easier to view individual result. I have only added 1 individual from each of the more distant populations, but it seems even with only 1 individual the analysis software manage to cluster and tree them quite well. Notice also that in worldview some individuals and populations that is close to each other will merge into the most similar cluster.
So what new information can be seen by adding more populations?
We now got a range of main European clusters seen in ChunkLenght (most of these can be further divided):
1. Common Scandinavian-Orcadian-PartBritish cluster
2. Common Lithuanian-Belorus-Ukrainian-Mordovian-Russian cluster
3. Common Saami-Finnish cluster
4. Common Sardininan-PartIberian-Basque cluster
5. Common Hungarian-Romanian-French-PartBritish-PartIberian-Spanish-Italian cluster
6. Common Caucasus-Middle-East cluster
From the heatmaps its possible to infer the following:
1. Scandinavians appears to have more similarity vs Middle East and Caucasus cluster than Saamis and Finns. Saamis and Finns share more with the Chuvash.
2. Saamis appears to show considerable sharing vs a group of northern Siberians however this appears to be mostly attributable to only 1 Saami individual. The single Aleut in the panel is partly mixed with Europeans and therefore shows more genetic sharing vs Europeans.
Whole analysis heatmaps:
ChunkCounts Aggregated World
ChunkCounts Aggregated Raw World
ChunkLenght Aggregated World