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søndag 18. august 2013

Ire8 and modern European variation

The Ire8 individual belonged to a 2800-2000 BC Pitted Ware Culture complex found in Ajvide, Gotland, Sweden. Ire8 belonged to mtDNA hg U4. The PWC was a hunter gatherer culture.

The Ire8 genome had in common 51k SNPs vs the 1000 genome reference individuals. These was as with the earlier analysis for Gok4, Ste7 and La Brañas (se earlier posts)  imputed using BEAGLE with the same reference panel as before using both project individuals and public reference populations. The populations was further LD pruned in PLINK down to 22k SNPs and run through Chromopainter-Finestructure unlinked pipeline. The European panal was extracted from a world Chromopainter run output files resulting in about 19k SNP's for Finestructure analysis.

As the results shows from Finestructure heatmap Ire8 appears to give an clear clustering to a commom Saami-Finnish box, and at the group level appears to be closest to SA1-SA2, Swe-Sam (equal) and Finns3. However we do not see a clear clustering as with the La Braña's vs the Saamis in the tree structure.

It seems from the heatmap coloring like Ire8 appears to have more southern  ancestry than both the Saamis and the Finns suggesting contact with early farmers.

CC Euro Ire8 unlinked 19k

CC Euro Ire8 unlinked detailed 19k

CC Euro PCA unlinked 19k

EDIT 23/9-13

3 kommentarer:

  1. Pitted Ware can't be considered "hunter-gatherer" just like that. Pitted Ware is a Baltic culture clearly derived from expansion of Neolithic peoples of the Dniepr-Don culture. A more correct term could be Neolithic foragers: i.e. peoples of Neolithic background that had "returned" (maybe not totally, pigs for example are known) to a forager lifestyle as they colonized the "Wild North". In a sense they are an avant-guard for the Indoeuropean expansion that largely followed their tracks (although they were not yet Indoeuropean speakers most likely).

    Another thing is that the Dniepr-Don culture is a Paleolithic-rooted Neolithic that only gradually and never completely abandoned foraging. Therefore they can be directly linked to Eastern European aborigines of Gravettian background. But NOT to Northern European Epipaleolithic peoples, which have other more Western origins, at least partly Magdalenian (and maybe Solutrean in Poland-Lithuania).

  2. Ire8 appears to be different from the Ajv's if you read Skoglund 2012. I will begin analysing the Ajv's soon.

  3. If Ajv70 appears to be "Eastern European aboriginal" (se later post) then it could be that Ire8 are one of the "locals" or at least part of this individual ancestry was "local" and Gotland was a meeting place for these two cultures where PWC eventually took over.
