I initially used a 1.1 mill SNP diploid La Braña 1 genotype and of these to 54k SNP matched by current 289k standard panel used in most of the project standard runs. I further LD pruned in PLINK down to 25k and run in PLINK's own MDS plotting function. It gave the following very familiar "V" shape with Saamis and Finns at one branch and Vologda Russians, Mordovians and Lithuanians on the other branch.
Please note this is a preliminary analysis and not the state of the art analysis but as we can see from the positioning the La Braña 1 without much doubt cluster with Saamis and Finns in dimension 1 (horizontal) and 2 (vertical) but not in dimension 3 where Scandinavians and Lithuanians cluster closest.
My first impression is that it is North Saamis and Eastern or Northern Finns who cluster closest in these two first dimensions but not in dimension 3 where they cluster closest with Scandinavians and Lithuanians but the distance appears huge. It may suggest that the La Braña 1 have a variation in this dimension that very much dissappeared but still exists to some extent among Scandinavians and Lithuanians.
The haplotype based analysis that will for certain come later will be able to give a better image of clustering.. The La Braña 1 individual will be included in all future Chromopainter-Finestructure haplotype based analysis and very probably the 24 000 year old individual from Siberia as well.
La Braña 1 diploid genome 25k Plink MDS D1-D2
La Braña 1 diploid genome 25k Plink MDS D1-D3
La Braña 1 diploid genome 25k Plink MDS D1-D3
If assuming that this position also will be at this location in the future Chromopainter-Finestructure haplotype analysis (as seen in the last run)we may get an idea of what have happening genetically speaking in Europe since 7000 year before present. Please note that the below is not made from the above MDS run but from a earlier Chromopainter-Finestructure run.
Dimension 1 - Agricultural expansion
Dimension 2 - Expansion from the East
Dimension 3 - Expansion from Northern and Southern edges
Individual results D1-D2
Individual results D1-D3
Dimension 3 - Expansion from Northern and Southern edges
Individual results D1-D2
Individual results D1-D3