Those who have followed this blog or participated in this project would been used to seeing the below linked PCA plot of European variation on this blog from Chromopainter-Finestructure with the charactaristic ">" or "<" shape where the more south-western European populations usually cluster close to the root while the Central and East European populations form on one branch while Scandianvians, Finns and Saami form on the other. Like the one below
Probably many have wondered why it has this shape and how old it is. I have now done more analysis with my ancient La Braña dataset and done a unlinked MDS plot analysis (more analysis under way) in PLINK. It has been PLINK pruned down to 69k using all participants and reference populations. As we can see there *absolutly* no doubt where the ancient La Braña cluster with at the two main dimensions.
So this probably means that the ancient La Braña Iberians had a major genetic variation that resembled Finns and Saamis today found only in Fennoscandia, variation that largely have disappeared further south and west, however as the previous post indicate there are probably components that further separate the La Braña from the Finns towards the Saamis.
All grandparents born in Norway, Sweden or Finland? Email your 23andme/FamilyFinder/deCODEme genotype file zipped to tjaaehkere at NEW! Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Germans, Nederlands, Belgians, Luxenbourg, Austrians, Checkz, Slovaks, Balkans, Danes, Poles, Icelanders and Russians also welcome! ANALYSIS STATUS: FILE PREPERATIONS!
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how do the western Europeans, like french and British, compare to Eastern Europeans, like Belarus, Ukrainians, and Polish in terms of their relatedness to brana?
SvarSlettThe relationship is indicated as seen in the MDS plot above. Any direct Genetic distance measure is difficult because the La Brãna shows indication of African minory ancestry and also other ancestries I am working to determine.
SvarSlettHello Anders,
SvarSlettCould you do a West-Eurasian PCA very much like this one - - but with also Saamis and the La Branã hunter-gatherers.
If I'm correct Saamis will branch out from Western Europe as they do above and we will be able to see the Baltic groups as intermediate between the old hunter-gatherer substratum and contemporary West Asian neolithic groups.
Have this been published in a journal?
SvarSlettNo. This is so called "citizen science" only published on this blog.
SlettBy the way this analysis is based on a composite La Braña analysis consisting of both La Brana 1 and 2. I have made later posting where these individuals have been analysed seperatly.